Friday, November 06, 2009

Our 6 month Boy!

First I need to apologize...I know it has been awhile since I have posted. Homework, work and life has kept us busy and blogging falls behind in priorities! :)
I knew I would need to blog today though since it is Makai's 6 month birthday!
We cannot believe it has gone so fast and we are in awe of how far he and we as a family have come in just this little amount of time.

But most of all we give thanks and praise God for this little miracle that he placed in our family.

Psalm 118:28
You are my God and I will give you thanks;
You are my God and I will exalt you.
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
his love endures forever.

I checked on Makai this morning as I got out of bed and saw and heard him sound asleep in his crib. (He is a noisy little sleeper!) There he laid with his arm draped over his forehead looking as though he had worked so hard and was so exhausted from a busy day of eating, sleeping, burping, rolling over, playing and giggling. A hard day's work at our house.
I think of where he would be if he wasn't in his crib in his little brings tears to my eyes. I stood there with tears in wonder of God and his miracle... statistically there are 3,700 abortions in the United States every day, 115,00 in the world every day. We thank God that our Makai was not one of these statistics and we realize how he could've easily been. We thank God that his parents decided to love him enough to give him a chance to be loved by our family. When we sit at supper and ask the girls who or what we should pray for they always say Makai's mom and dad and we thank God for them and pray for their lives, their health and their hearts. I wonder if our girls really understand what they did for us and the miracle of how God brought him into our home, it is funny but in some way I think they really do.

Everyday 200,000 babies are born around the world! WOW. And God brought us Makai, of all the children born he choose Makai for us, to be a part of our family. It is just amazing, amazing that He knew before Tim and I got married, before we had our daughters that he would bless us with a son, a son from hundreds of miles away. Isn't it amazing? Don't we serve an awesome God.

Our little 6 month old miracle is rolling and drooling, giggling and whining, eating and eating some more, trying to keep up with his sisters, charming strangers (especially the girls), bouncing and finding his voice, sleeping and snoring, getting up on all fours and rocking, and showing us every single day how blessed we are to be chosen by God to love him, to just hold him and rock him, look into his eyes and love on him every single day. We are so blessed, in case I haven't told you lately God....thank you. Thank you for choosing to show us your love through our 6 month old son.

I just had to show some pictures of how far we have come!