Thursday, September 25, 2008

Through lots of prayer we have decided to go through a North Carolina agency that sister's with our New Horizons agency.  We are thrilled that God has led us to know that is where our little guy will come from! Here is the link to their blog and website, great sites, if you have time check them out!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I have to apologize that it has been so long since I posted has been a little crazy at our house!!  The girls have started back to school and I am about a month into my classes at WITCC in Sioux City.  It is going well and we all have adjusted to the new schedule, even Tim who has to get everyone ready in the morning!!

We attended our orientation at Blue Earth, Minnesota today while the girls got to have some special time with Grandma Letti and Grandpa Kevin! 
(Let the spoilin' begin!) 

It was a great day filled with lots of info about what lies ahead for our family.  The director of our agency, New Horizons talked a lot about policies, parenting and support. She shared a lot of info with us that was very beneficial.  
We talked a lot about how to include your adopted child into your family and how to make that transition.  We also talked a lot about how to share and talk with your adopted child about their birth mom.  She gave some great tips that we will remember when we bring our little guy home.  

The director of the agency also reminded us of the expense of the adoption process and recommended that we post on our blog or write a letter informing friends and family that if they would like to help with the cost of our adoption they could send a check to New Horizons Agency with our name written in the memo. If you feel lead to assist us with this cost click on this site for the agency address information.

Our favorite part of the day was when we got to hear testimonies from other families that had adopted. It was so neat because one of the families was from our church! It brought tears to our eyes listening to how evident God's hand was in each and every adoption.  It was truly amazing to hear the circumstances in which God brought these families together.  We even heard how some adoption situations didn't work out and though it was a hard situation to be in at the time these families could now see why these situations didn't work out.  In each situation God had intervened and made His plan very evident to the family. It was so awesome how God had found the perfect family for that child and the perfect child for that family. The testimonies of these families were truly inspiring.

The theme of the entire day was God's perfect timing.  Did God know this is exactly what we needed to hear?  I think He did.  Over and over by all the speakers we continually heard,"you need to let God take need to give it over to God...God is in control (those of you who know me know this is a hard one for me!)...also God knows what He is doing."  It was constantly stressed God will not put the wrong child in the wrong family, He already has the right child picked out for you and in His perfect timing.  Hearing all this made me take a deep breath, being the control freak that I am.  

Let me back up a little to about 2 weeks ago when our social worker called one day inquiring whether or not we were ready to go, because they had a little guy needing placement and she wondered if we would consider being considered. WOW, was that ever surprising.  We realized we weren't done with the process yet, we still hadn't even heard about our fingerprints and they can sometimes take a couple months to get done!!  Yeah, and then she called back 10 minutes later and said she had just gotten a call that our fingerprints just came in. We had two days to decide and let me tell you those were two very agonizing days.  Tim and I went back and forth with what to do, we questioned, we cried and we prayed.
We felt God's hand on us telling us with all the circumstances surrounding this situation that we needed to wait. We know for our family we made the decision that was best for us.  But that still didn't make it any easier to make the call to Heidi our social worker.

Anyway, back to God's timing.  We are asking for your prayers right now and if it is ok we would like to specifically ask for prayer for a few things...
1. For us to finish and wrap up all the little things that 
go along with this process...
2. For the little guy that God has already picked out to 
join our family and for his mother...
3. But mostly for God to make it evidently clear to us
(like a smack in the face would be nice or we will take 
writing on the wall too)
when His perfect timing for our family is...
Thank you so much all of you for your prayers and support already.  We are so thankful for all the encouragement and love.  We covet your prayers as we continue on this journey to bring home blue!

Heidi our social worker reminded us when we do put our book out we need to be ready to go get a little guy so we thought we better buy some clothes for him.  The girls loved helping pick stuff out even though it felt kinda funny shopping on the different side of the store than what we are used to.  Here is some of our favorite purchases...